Residents of Fuerteventura
Tennis Court Booking
If you want to play tennis alone, you can book your tennis courts at the TCF or directly in the hotels. 1 hour only: € 6,00
Barceló Corralejo Bay +34/ 928 536 050
Playitas Grand Resort +34/ 928 860 425
Info & Contact Tennis College Fuerteventura
Therefore you must not be a hotel guest or client from the TCF.
Weekly Double Tournament
Every week on Wednesday & Sunday from 11.00h - 13.30/14.00h, we play in the Riu Palace Tres Islas tournaments.
Is not necessary to be a guest of the hotel. Everybody can come & play. Anyone can register without a partner. It is also the ideal meeting place for tennisplayer. It is for all levels! Fun & Play
Only € 5,00 for Residents of Fuerteventura!
Prices for Residents of Fuerteventura
60¨min. |
1 Lesson € per pers. |
10 Lessons € per pers. |
1 Person | 23,00 | 190,00 |
2 Personen | 13,00 | 119,00 |
3 Personen | 9,00 | 79,00 |
4 Personen | 8,00 | 69,00 |
5 Personen | 7,00 | 59,00 |
6 Personen | 6,00 | 49,00 |
Kids Training for Residents
Weekly group lessons in the first period: 04.10. 2010 - 16.01.
For all kids, boys & girls in the age 4-16.
Individual lessons are also possible.
Where? Hotel Barceló Corralejo Bay; C/ Avenida Grandes Playa
Rates for the first period per hour in the week:
1h/ € 85,00; 2hs/ € 149,00; 3hs/ € 199,00 p.p.
There is no training between the 20.12.2010 & 03.01.2011 & on public holidays.
Top Sport Resort
Animation/ Shows
Premium Adults Suites
Kids-/ Miniclub
Spa & Wellness
Culinary Restaurants
All Inclusive
Swimming School
Football Academy
3 Tenniscourts